Anubias ‘Wrinkle leaf’


Anubias ‘Wrinkle leaf’


SKU: A862475 Category:


Normally sold as a small plant, this Anubias is huge! Anubias Wrinkle Leaf is an attractive plant which thrives in all conditions. Like other Anubias-species, it is best planted in a shady spot to minimize algae growth on the leaves. Avoid covering the rhizome when planting to keep it from rotting. It can be easily fastened to driftwood or rock with fishing line, thread, or superglue gel. Herbivorous fish do not eat the very tough and robust leaves.

Natural History

Anubias barteri var. nana was first described by Adolf Engler in 1899 as A. nana. The species was reduced to varietal status in 1979.