Bolivian Ram ‘Mikrogeophagus altispinosus’


2 in stock

SKU: BOL-TI-LI Category:


Bolivian Rams (Mikrogeophagus altispinosus) are a beautiful addition to any community tank. While they are part of the Cichlid family, Bolivian Rams are far more peaceful than other Cichlid species. They’re a peaceful freshwater fish that can get along with others without any issues.These fish are endemic to parts of the Amazon River Basin.

As their trade name would suggest, the fish are most often found in Bolivia. Though, they inhabit fresh bodies of water throughout Brazil.Also known as the Bolivian Butterfly and Ruby Crown Cichlid, these eye-catching fish have become quite the crowd-pleaser in the fish community. Not only are they easy to care for, but their unique personalities can add a touch of playfulness to your aquarium.