Vallisneria Corkscrew ‘asiatica’


Vallisneria Corkscrew ‘asiatica’


SKU: VAL-AJ-AP-1 Category:


Corkscrew Vallisneria is quite easy to grow and relatively undemanding. No added Co2 or complicated nutrient dosing schedule needed, which makes it a great option for beginners. The only important factor to keep in might is lighting: this Val does need quite a bit of light. When provided with this it will grow very quickly, constantly sending out runners. You can leave these baby plants to grow or disconnect them from the main plant if you'd like to replant, remove or sell them.

For a healthy corkscrew Vallisneria, plant it directly into the substrate, making sure not to bury the leaf base (crown). In small setups like shrimp tanks, this plant works best in the background or at the sides of the tank. Some root tabs will be appreciated, as they provide extra nutrients and help encourage faster growth. 

Give the plant some time to establish and you should see new growth and even runners in no time! Be sure to do regular maintenance by removing any dead bits and pruning the leaves with sharp scissors if they're getting too long.