Rainbow Endler (Poecilia wingei)


Rainbow Endler (Poecilia wingei)


SKU: T523696 Category:


Poecilia wingei gets its common name from Dr. John Endler, who rediscovered the species in Venezuela and introduced them into the pet trade. Males get up to 1 inch (2.5 cm) long, are slender in profile, and have all the vibrant colors and patterns. Females can reach 1.8 inches (4.5 cm), have a rounder abdomen, and are usually tannish-silver in color.

Are Endlers the same as guppies? No, although they are closely related and able to spawn together to create offspring that are fertile. Poecilia wingei is an Endler’s livebearer, Poecilia reticulata is a guppy, and a hybrid of the two is an Endler guppy.