Orange Ghost Crayfish


Orange Ghost Crayfish


SKU: 370457J Category:


Incredible orange and white coloration that makes for a wonderful centerpiece to the aquarium. Much more active than many crayfish species. Hardy and adaptable. bExcellent scavenger RECOMMENDED TANK PARAMETERS:Temperature: 65 – 76° F (18 – 24° C)pH: 6.5 – 7.5KH: 6 – 15 dKH. Minimum tank size: 30 gallons.

CARE INFORMATION:Diet: Omnivorous. High-quality sinking pellets, plants, and freeze-dried or frozen meaty foods will be readily accepted. Cuttlebone should be added to the aquarium to supplement calcium, which will aid in exoskeleton production.Social behavior: Can be aggressive/territorial with its own kind. Crayfish will typically eat whatever they can catch, but since they are slow-moving, they are not often able to harm fast-moving fish.Origin: Tank-bred, but indigenous to Southeastern United States.

Average adult size: 4 – 5 inches (10 – 12.7 cm) body length, minus claws.

Average purchase size: Juveniles – 1+ inch (2.5+ cm), Young Adults – 1.5+ inches (3.8+ cm)Recommended Aquatic Arts tank mates: Fast-moving fish (such as Celestial Pearl Danios, Rasboras, Guppies, etc.). While dwarf shrimp can be kept successfully with these crayfish, caution should be exercised, as the crayfish have been known to catch and eat slow, sick, or particularly small shrimp. Cichlids can be aggressive toward crayfish and should not be kept in the same tank. Bottom-dwelling tankmates should definitely be avoided.