Corydoras zygatus

Corydoras zygatus


6 in stock

SKU: 8855575 Category:


marks: Black Band Corys (Corydoras zygatus) are long, robust Corys with a thick band running along their back and a small spot of orange near their shoulder. They can be distinguished from their close relative, C. rabauti, by having a green shine over their scales and a band that does not extend into their caudal fin. They are active shoalers and will stay near conspecifics, making for a lovely sight. Corydoras feed by searching through sand with their barbels, and sand is necessary for the long-term health of Corys. Gravel substrates tend to be abrasive and damage the barbels, leading to infections and an inability to find food.

Corydoras are often looked at as "scavengers," but they should be treated in a similar fashion as the rest of your fish. They are omnivores and require a mixed diet. Flake food is readily accepted, as is baby brine shrimp and small pieces of blackworm.