Bluefin Notho killifish (Nothobranchius Rachovii)

Bluefin Notho killifish (Nothobranchius Rachovii)


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Nothobranchius rachovii is one of 90 species from the Nothobranchiidae family which are native to South Africa and can be found throughout its vast regions.

Out of all the species in the Nothobranchiidae family, Nothobranchius rachovii is the most prolific in the aquarium trade, and a firm favourite among aquarists due to its striking colour and ease of care.

What makes Nothobranchiidae family unique is their annual life cycle which is still shrouded in myth to this very day. In the wild, the species would often be found in small bodies of water which would eventually evaporate under the harsh heat of the African dry season.

As the rain falls after months of drought the small dried out pools fill with water and the Nothobranchius would magically reappear. This strange occurrence feed a common belief in the locals that the fish came down with the rain and were often referred to as Rain fish.

The miraculous event of the Nothobranchius dying and reappearing with the rain was not the result of fish falling out of the sky, but was down to the Nothobranchius remarkable ability to survive the harsh environment.

Nothobranchius are not only prolific at producing offspring but they also grow at an extraordinary rate and are sexually mature in as little as 2 months, all evolution traits to beat the fated drought.

The most remarkable evolutionary survival trait of the Nothobranchius is how they spawn. As the Nothobranchius spawn, the male and female dive to the bottom of the pool depositing their eggs deep within the substrate. 

As the water of the pools evaporates the adult Nothobranchius die. However, the next generation is safely tucked away under the now dried up floor of the pool, protected from the harsh heat of the dry season.

As the ground dries and cracks the eggs become exposed to the air and when the first drop of rain begins to fall, replacing oxygen with water (anaerobic conditions) it kickstarts the hatching process and the cycle of life begins anew.


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