Blue Neon Goby (Stiphodon atropurpureus)


Blue Neon Goby (Stiphodon atropurpureus)


SKU: 311933K Category:


This beautiful nano fish displays bright neon blue coloration in males, is very peaceful with dwarf shrimp, and is very hardy in a mature aquarium that is rich in algae and biofilm.

An aquarium with heavy water flow (10-15x turnover per hour) and very clean, clear water is required for the Electric Blue Neon Dwarf Goby. This fish is native to shallow, clear, fast-flowing waters and it is sensitive to declines in water quality, so regular aquarium maintenance is a must.

The Electric Blue Neon Dwarf Goby is a biofilm and algae grazer in nature. It is known to usually accept frozen meaty foods, but such foods should only be fed occasionally. This fish will also sometimes accept high-quality dry foods that are rich in plant matter, but it is absolutely essential that biofilm and algae are naturally available in the aquarium to ensure its long-term health or else it may slowly starve. As long as it is kept in a well-maintained, mature aquarium with good biofilm and algae growth as well as high water flow, the Blue Neon Dwarf Goby is a hardy and entertaining fish. It will not bother aquarium plants. In fact, Anubias species are an excellent plant to keep with this goby because Anubias can foster significant biofilm/algae growth in an aquarium with moderate to high lighting.

Electric Blue Neon Dwarf Goby (Stiphodon atropurpureus)