Albino Scarlet Gold Angelfish


Albino Scarlet Gold Angelfish


SKU: 511158E Category:


  1. Appearance:
  • The Albino Scarlet-Gold Angelfish (Pterophyllum scalare) is bred from an angelfish type found in the Amazon and Orinoco River Basins in South America.
  • These angelfish exhibit a stunning white-to-silver color with yellowish-orange rings around their eyes.
  • Like all angelfish, they have a wide body and tall fins, but their unique coloration sets them apart.
  • Their long, slender anal fin extends the length of their body, and they have a large, round dorsal fin on their back.
  1. Tank Setup and Care:
  • Albino Scarlet-Gold Angelfish can grow to be about 6 inches in length.
  • To reach their full potential size, they need to be in a tank that is at least 30 gallons.
  • Provide plenty of hiding spots using plants, rocks, or driftwood.
  • Maintain stable water conditions, including temperature between 78°F and 84°F and a pH range of 6.5 – 6.9.
  • These angelfish are semi-aggressive, so ample space to swim and explore is essential.
  1. Lifespan:
  • With dedicated care, Albino Scarlet-Gold Angelfish can live up to 10-15 years.
  • Regular water changes, a healthy diet, and a well-maintained tank contribute to their longevity.