Blue claw orange tiger crayfish

Blue claw orange tiger crayfish


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The Zebra Crayfish (Cherax peknyi) is a fairly recently discovered and uncommon species of crayfish native to Papua New Guinea. This crayfish is also commonly known as the Asian Tiger Freshwater Lobster, though true lobsters do not exist in freshwater. It is one of the largest freshwater crayfish available and features stunning pastel colors. Orange, blue, white, and purple are all distinctly shown on this crayfish. The Zebra Crayfish breeds easily in the aquarium, although the fry are extremely slow growing.

This particular crayfish is relatively active and spends plenty of time exploring the floor of the aquarium in search of food. The Zebra Crayfish is an omnivorous scavenger and will eat most any meaty or plant-based foods. This crayfish should not be kept with ornamental live plants, as it will eat them at a surprising rate.

As it reaches adulthood, the Zebra Crayfish will become relatively territorial, so it may behave aggressively towards other animals in the tank. It is important that ample hiding places such as rockwork, driftwood, or PVC pipes be provided. This is even more crucial when housing multiple crayfish in the same tank. Due to the size and waste production of this crayfish, a minimum 30-gallon, well-filtered aquarium is necessary for one adult. A larger aquarium of 55 gallon or larger aquarium can house multiple adults of similar size. This is a reasonably hardy animal, but regular water changes are vital to its optimal health. Other bottom-dwelling invertebrates and fish should not be kept with large crayfish. It is possible to keep mid- and upper-level, fast-swimming fish with the Zebra Crayfish, but crayfish are opportunistic feeders and will generally eat whatever they can catch.

Zebra Crayfish (Cherax peknyi)


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