Aponogeton Crispus ‘Purple red’

Aponogeton Crispus ‘Purple red’


3 in stock

SKU: 8242367 Category:


Aponogeton Crispus purple, commonly known as the Crispus Sword, is a beautiful aquatic plant with distinct, crinkled leaves. Here are the care requirements to help you cultivate Aponogeton crispus successfully in your aquarium:

**1. Lighting:**

– Provide moderate to high-intensity lighting for optimal growth. Aponogeton crispus benefits from sufficient light, and higher light levels can promote more compact growth.

**2. Substrate:**

– Plant the bulb in a nutrient-rich substrate. Aponogeton crispus extracts nutrients from the substrate through its roots, and a nutrient-rich substrate supports healthy growth.

**3. Fertilization:**

– Use a comprehensive liquid fertilizer to supplement essential nutrients regularly. Aponogeton crispus can benefit from additional nutrients in the water column.