Microsorum Java fern ‘Coral’


Microsorum Java fern ‘Coral’


SKU: Y658789 Category:


Microsorum 'Coral' is a rare variant of Microsorum. It's growth and requirement is similiar to its well known relative Java Fern Windelov with a more rounded tip leaf. 'Coral' main difference is it's beautiful Red/ Orange coloured flared tips, which is where it gets it's name.

Natural History

Microsorum pteropus, commonly known as Java fern after the Indonesian island of Java, can be found in Malaysia, Thailand and some regions of China. It is a highly variable plant with several different geographic varieties that vary in leaf size and shape. Found in its natural habitat growing attached to roots and rocks, it can grow in both fully and partially submerged environs.

Pro Tips

This plant is easy to propagate by splitting the horizontal rhizome. Sometimes plantlets start to grow on the leaf edges and if you leave these intact long enough, you'll get a plant you can detatch and grow. Note that the black spots under the leaves are sporangia (reproductive organs) and not signs of disease as many believe.

If it is planted in the bottom, do not cover the rhizome because it will rot.

Type: Rhizomatous

Origin: Asia

Growth Rate: Slow

Light Demand: Low

CO2: Low