Perfect for a beginner or smaller tank, Narrow Wedge Rasboras (Trigonostigma hengeli) are hardy and colorful. They are similar to their cousins, the Pork Chop or Lamb Chop Rasbora (T. espei), Harlequin Rasbora (T. heteromorpha), and Somphong's Rasbora (T. somphongsi), and the fish can be differentiated primarily by the size of the dark "wedge". Scientific Name: Trigonostigma hengeli
Common Name: Narrow Wedge Rasbora
Max Size: 1.25"
pH: 6.0-8.0
Hardness: Soft
Temperature: 68-80°
Aggressiveness: Peaceful
Region of Origin: Southeast Asia
Captive Bred or Wild: Captive Bred
Diet: Flake or pellet
Compatibility: Schooling fish, dwarf cichlids, small catfish, livebearers, invertebrates.